Sunday, May 17, 2009

Race Report: Cleveland Half Marathon

I arrived at the start line just in time and realized I was right at the front. Gun went off and I started runing too fast. I did my first mile in 6:40, second mile was about 6:45. I knew I needed to pull back a bit, but it just felt good to be out there running hard. This was my first race since the Portage Lakes Duathlon last September, so I was happy to get back in the groove. At first, I was happy to be at the front for the start, but then I began to realize that it messed with my psych. A whole bunch of much faster half and full marathoners started behind me, so I felt like everyone was just blowing past me, while I wasn't passing too many.

So here are the stats: I finished with a chip time of 1:35:53 a 7:18 pace, which was good enough for 183rd place of 3,873 overall, and 23 of 303 in my age division of 30-34 dudes, 1:18:59 won my age division. Not sure why, but my watch time was 1:36:52 a 7:23 pace. I'll take the official time though!!

Other notes...The Iggy band was pumping me up and a few random drum players were really cool. I wish there was more of that out there. The crowds were good, but the chilled morning probably kept a few inside. Lily and Amanda made it out for me and that was awesome to hear them cheering in the final stretch.

All in all, I'm satisfied with my first half.

Post update: New video posted on YouTube. I zip by in seconds 45 and 46, blue shirt, blue headband.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Watch the Giro Live...For Free

Watch the Giro d'Italia live on Universal Sports May 9-31. Go to this link.

Any predictions on a winner? Will it be Levi, Sastre, Vande Velde, or someone else?

I'd put my money on Astana, it will be the Lance/Levi show for the next three weeks.

Clearly, Lily is cheering for Vande Velde!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April Training Recap

100.6 miles running
97.74 miles cycling

A whole bunch of core and weights.

Running...Hurt the achilles on a long training run to Euclid Creek Reservation and back. I think I strained it on the long hill out of the reservation. Since that time I've had to take 8 or 9 various rest days. My detailed training plan was trashed. I've thrown my goal of doing the Cleveland Half under 1:30 out the window. Instead, I hope to run a good race, pain free. It will be touch and go.

Cycling...My bike is a P.O.S., trust me I know. The look on the mechanic's face was priceless. He really tried to be nice about not dogging it too much. Anyway, a new chain, chain rings, cassette, cables, and tires will get me going. So I'm excited to get the bike back on Thursday and see how much smoother it is. Next purchase will be shoes. As soon as the Cleveland Half is over I will be out there much more consistently and will be ready for some hill repeats!

In other news...As I said before, I signed up for the Blue Ridge Brutal 100 (see last post. I'll have room for 1 or 2 more, let me know if you are interested.